There are many benefits to two tier cycle storage – but poor specification can lead to safety risks

Broken 2 tierTwo tier cycle parking has been one of the fastest growing areas within the cycle storage sector. We have certainly seen a massive upsurge in popularity of this space-saving solutions, especially at places such as rail stations where space is at a premium and the demand for secure cycle parking is on the increase.
Recently we became aware of a problem with some two tier cycle parking racks in the market (not those produced by Lockit-safe) and it got us to thinking that those who are specifying and purchasing two tier cycle parking need to be made aware of how to avoid potential problems.
One of the main problem areas is the top tier and how it is welded to the bottom tier. It is a potential weak spot as the pictures demonstrate. The broken weld on this installation resulted in the plate buckling and the top tier collapsing at one end. Fortunately in this instance no one was hurt but several bikes were damaged.

What causes this defect?

Problems such as these are caused simply because the correct strength of weld and steel has not been used. Whether this is due to cost cutting or to try and make the rack as light as possible, the end result is a product that cannot cope with the weight of the cycles and the regular movement of these cycles as they are loaded and unloaded.

What should you specify?

As a purchaser of two tier cycle racks there are a number of minimum specifications you need to ensure –

  • Make sure the frame itself has sufficient support. You should specify a minimum of 100mm x 100mm steel box section
  • The welding of the top section to the bottom section should be onto a minimum of 10mm plate
  • If weight is an issue then things such as gas-assisted top-tier are an option BUT be aware that two tier structures need strength and rigidity and this comes at the price of weight
If you would like to discuss any tow tier cycle parking requirements, you can talk to our technical advisors on 01472 346 382